Mosaic Gallery

My Mosaics

I started making mosaics back in 2002. The last mosaic that I completed was “Too Short a Season”, which I finished at the beginning of 2011. Although I am currently not making mosaics, it is definitely something I plan to get back into in the future. For now, here are a few of my older pieces for you to check out.



6 thoughts on “Mosaic Gallery

    1. Thanks so much, Callie! If I could, I would spend all of my time making mosaics – there is just something really satisfying about piecing together so many tiny pieces of glass to make something entirely new. I’m currently taking a break from them until I can get a better work area set up for cutting glass, but I’m definitely itching to get back to making them again as soon as possible! Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comment 🙂

    1. These are mostly done with stained glass. Depending on the piece, they also included fused glass cabochons, petrified wood, river rock, Italian smalti, travertine, vintage gems, and gold.

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